Our first issue created by and solely featuring people of colour.
Inspired by one of the most influential grime artists in the world aka Stormzy we have created our 4th issue. Within Issue 04 we learn from Art Director Wei Prior, Where are the Black Designers? Founder Mitzi Okou, Glastonbury Emerging Talent 2020 winner and lover of everything 90’s R.A.E, and many more incredible creatives that we’ll release soon.
We also pose questions such as: What is the aesthetic of resistance? Is there a monolithic black experience? How do you carve your own career path as a minority? Are we re-imagianing black narratives? What is the true history of Grime? The Stormzy issue is proudly sponsored by SuperHi.
The Stormzy Issue is a ring bound 100 page magazine printed on Uncoated Paper.