Hasta Que Se Vea - Pepe Hanze

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Hasta que se Vea is a documentary photography book that captures the essence of street soccer and its unique, enduring traditions in Guayaquil, Ecuador. The project took seven years to complete, reflecting the dedication and depth of exploration involved.
The narrative unfolds over the course of a typical weekend day of street soccer in the urban areas of Guayaquil. Many of these neighborhoods have been abandoned or forgotten amidst the city's expansion. Yet, the rich history of these areas remains palpable, interwoven with the lives of the people who inhabit them and the vibrant culture of street soccer.
The majority of the photographs in this publication are black-and-white film photography, lending a timeless quality to the images. Through its evocative imagery, Hasta que se Vea offers a glimpse into the enduring spirit and community ties that thrive in these urban spaces, despite the passage of time and the changes brought by urban development.