Personal Totem Pole: Animal Imagery the Chakras and Psychotherapy
Regular price $25.00
This is the story of the discovery of the chakra power animals and their remarkable effects in psychotherapy and personal growth. The chakra power animals are the basis for the therapeutic model known as the Personal Totem Pole Process. The PTPP is an internationally acclaimed discipline, with practitioners worldwide. It is a unique blend of the theory of active imagination which was developed by Dr. C. G. Jung, the Eastern theoretical orientation which understands the human being as a system of interrelated energies or chakras, and the Native American practice of speaking to and learning from the animals. The PTPP has had applications in areas other than Psychotherapy. It has been used on a personal basis by individuals interested in their own growth and healing, by Medical practitioners, by those working with children, on vision quests and by artists and writers and other creative individuals in supporting their own creativity This classic work is a personal account by Dr. Gallegos of his experiences with his Totem Pole animals and of some of the experiences of his initial clients with theirs. The book is a gentle introduction to active imagery and is of special interest to any one who wishes to explore the Personal Totem Pole process, either on an individual level or as a therapeutic tool.
Condition: Used - Good